Sustainable Development Goals

Green electricity

On the 29th of April, Per Nørgård – engineer, scientist and researcher at Centre of Electricity and Energy at the Institute of Electrotechnology, Technical University of Denmark – visited our school. We invited him in co-operation with the local climate organization. He told us about some of the challenges we have overcome regarding green electricity. In Denmark, we get approximately 35% of our electricity from renewable sources, like windmills and biomasses.
In Northern Europe we import and export electricity with our neighbouring countries. So, when it is windy in Denmark, we can export the surplus energy. On the other hand, when it is sunny in Southern Germany, we can import some of their extra energy.
In Denmark, we focus on wind- and solar energy. In fact, Copenhagen International School is covered with solar cells. Just one way to succeed our government’s goals, about CO2 neutral power supply in 2030, and being totally fossil-free in 2050.
So we keep our fingers crossed.


By Buster Jørgensen & Frederik Søborg

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