Sustainable Development Goals

Liceo Ceccano: finally plastic free!

On September 10th the school started again with big news: no lessons on Saturdays and above all: no more plastic bottles on the desks! In facts, red aluminum flasks are available for all the students, which can be filled thanks to the dispensers that are being placed on each floor.  We are very proud of the choice we made: during the two years of our Erasmus project we tried to highlight the fact that sustainability is a priority. This change will greatly reduce the amount  of plastic, if we think that in our liceo every student buys an average of one plastic bottle per day, we can reach the frightful quantity of more than 2000 kilos of waste plastic material per year. This initiative, in addition to reducing the production of plastic, will act as a reference model for the students of all our area, as we’ve been the first school in the Province of Frosinone to make such a decision. For this reason the president of our Province Mr Pompeo decided to come to our school to give his best wishes for the start of the new school-year to all the students and teachers of our territory. In his message, which was transmitted in streaming from our aula magna, he said that a school must primarily be the place where the citizens of the future are educated, so the choice of our school council  could be an invitation for the neighbouring institutes to implement the same procedure. It’s thanks to these little actions that we can build a greener future.

 Danny Antonelli, Francesco Iannoni, Giada Silvaggi V D

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In the photos our Headmistress Concetta Senese proudly holds a flask, she gives a flask to Mr Pompeo, teachers and students show the flasks with the school logo during the Erasmus day 11th October 2019.

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